Behind Our Name

We are the Liberty Classical School Regents.


We chose this to be our school's name because it communicates both the freedom we have in Christ and the joy of having a free mind. True education does much more than train students in practical skills; it equips them to see the world clearly and respond with wisdom and virtue. Truly educated people are quick to spot the enemy's lies and are not easily deceived. They are truly free because they know the Truth. 

The term “liberal arts” comes from this idea of having a free mind. In ancient days, it was the education given to the children of free men. They were to grow into the lawmakers, businessmen, and princes of society. Therefore, they needed instruction on how to make decisions and how to rule with honor. The slave only needed as much education as was necessary for him to complete his assigned tasks; he only needed job skills.

Another place this distinction is evident is in the military. The training given to officers is much different than the training given to enlisted men. One needs to analyze situations and make wise judgements; the other needs to follow orders swiftly and completely.

Classical Christian education is an education of freedom. Modern progressive education is solely focused on career-readiness and utilitarian skills. It views students as economic widgets and judges educational success by its’ profitability. In contrast, Classical Christian education sees students as image bearers of God and teaches them worship Him in all they think and do.


A soldier appointed to minister to a country while the Sovereign King is away

This is our position as Christians. We are ministering to the world while we await our King's return. Our desire is not our own glory, but the glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  All we do is in His name, and we want to equip our students to carry out this privilege and responsibility well. 

Our logo features a watchtower in reference to this mascot. In our position as Regents, we Christians are to be on guard against evil and ready to defend the Truth. We are also eagerly waiting and watching for our King’s return.

This is the education we want for our own children, and we invite you to join us!

Contact us to schedule a parent meeting or apply today.

Liberty Classical School is a full-time, private Christian Classical school in Lincoln, NE. We exist to educate children that they may know and love the truth. We partner with parents to establish men and women who glorify God as loyal servants. We equip our students to be formidable adversaries of falsity and all other enemies of God. We believe that the primary end for education is not merely survival, but glory—glory in the truth and Glory to God—the Father, the Spirit and the Son—on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.