Classical Education and Technology

STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math-has dominated the educational landscape for the past decade.  This emphasis comes from a desire to help kids get jobs in our tech-heavy economy.  All of the high-paying, “good” jobs seem to be in Silicon Valley, so we want to equip students to succeed there.  But is more computer science classes and project-based learning the best way to accomplish that?  Even more importantly, is the goal of education really to get a good job?

At Liberty Classical School, we understand that the goal of education is the formation of a human, a human with a soul and a will and a deep need for peace with its Creator.  Education is not the simple transfer of information and skills.  Our goal is not to help students get good jobs, but to teach them how to think well and live well. We accomplish this through a robust liberal arts education. Consequently, they will be equipped to learn anything they need to in any profession they choose (even STEM!).

Even if we were chasing STEM careers for our students, the classical model is still better than modern education.  First, we are training minds to think well about any subject. Latin alone develops analysis and synthesis; skills that are paramount in the tech world.  A person who can think logically and can accurately understand information is more valuable than a person who knows how to code.  Second, the speed at which the tech world changes makes it almost impossible to predict what practical skills will be needed in future workplaces. We are developing the more complex and useful reasoning skills that will stay relevant no matter what the mechanics are. 

In regards to using technology in the classroom to teach other subjects, we use it sparingly.  Technology is a tool with neither inherent moral good or moral evil.  It is only good if it serves and advances a moral objective. We choose to use real books, real pencils, and real paper because these tools serve our goals much more effectively than videos and tablets can. 

The obvious concern is attention.  Our world is so full of stimulation that a peaceful environment can be quite a gift. Though at first, an ‘educational’ video may be more engaging than a teacher writing on a white board, the simplicity increases a student’s ability to focus and learn deeply.  It also means that the teacher can adapt and cater to her students in real time.  She can slow down, repeat herself, and check for understanding. Here, there is a strong relationship and fellowship between student and teacher, making the efforts of each more effective. 

When students use technology in the classroom, they are not engaging their brains the same way as when they use real pencils and paper. For example, writing the letter “A” is much different than clicking it on a screen. We take full advantage of the body-brain connection when we use pencils and paper.

Read more about how technology is used in classical education:


Raising Human Beings in a STEM World - Memoria Press 

This is the education we want for our own children, and we invite you to join us!

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Liberty Classical School is a full-time, private Christian Classical school in Lincoln, NE. We exist to educate children that they may know and love the truth. We partner with parents to establish men and women who glorify God as loyal servants. We equip our students to be formidable adversaries of falsity and all other enemies of God. We believe that the primary end for education is not merely survival, but glory—glory in the truth and Glory to God—the Father, the Spirit and the Son—on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.