Q & A from our October Open House

Didn’t get to come to Open House? Here is a summary of the question-and-answer time.

How do you foster a student’s personal faith?

While we earnestly pray all of our students are saved, we understand that it is ultimately not in our control. As in 1 Corinthians 3, “...only God gives the growth.”  Our job as a Christian school is to provide the most fertile growing conditions we possibly can.  We teach everything in relation to the reality that God made the world for His own Glory and all humanity desperately needs the salvation only found in the Son. 

We also recognize the crucial role of parents’ discipleship of their own children.  We are by no means a replacement for the home or the church. We are a school that supports and strengthens the efforts of Christian parents as they raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 

Why are you doing half-day kindergarten?

Our school will be filled with both joy and gravitas, or seriousness. We recognize that our youngest students will be more able to meet our high expectations with more time at home to play and be trained by their parents.

Full-day instruction will begin in first grade, and we plan to continue a Tuesday-Friday schedule. In-school instruction is not held on Mondays to create opportunities for parental instruction and at-home reading, while also providing flexibility for extended family trips, appointments, and extra-curricular opportunities. 

Why did you choose Memoria Press?

Memoria Press is a trusted and proven leader in the Classical Christian educational movement. It was founded in 1994 and has developed a comprehensive K-12 curriculum at Highlands Latin School in Louisville, KY, where its award-winning programs are written and field-tested. This means that master teachers have cultivated and approved every page of the Memoria Press curriculum, from math drills to literature guides. They offer valuable resources to schools including a practical and thorough teacher-training program.

Will you serve students with special needs?

Students with unique educational considerations will be admitted on a case-by-case basis.  We will work closely with parents to determine what their student needs and how Liberty fits into their educational plan. Many students with mild learning disabilities will find Classical education more clear and achievable than a modern, progressive education. All students will be held to the same high standards and spurred on to work hard and achieve difficult things.  

Memoria Press offers a special education curriculum called “Simply Classical”, and we are grateful to have these resources available. 

How does Classical education serve various learning styles?

Classical education is very participatory.  While the classroom is teacher-led, students are required to be actively engaged.  They are constantly responding, reciting, reading, and writing.  Quality teachers recognize their students’ needs and use strategies to optimize their learning, while also understanding the nature of man and necessity of hard work.  

How will you incorporate technology?

Short answer: we won’t. We believe there is tremendous value in using real pencils, real paper, and real books. Children have enough digital stimulation outside of the classroom, and a screen-free environment promotes focus and composure. Parents need not be concerned that their student will be in any way behind their laptop-bearing peers. Many of those skills will be obsolete by the time they start a job anyway. The world does not need more input and output data, but it does need more people who can read and discern data wisely. A classically educated student has the readiness to learn any practical skill they need in a future job, but more importantly, they have the knowledge and wisdom they need to live moral lives.

This is the education we want for our own children, and we invite you to join us!

Contact us to schedule a parent meeting or apply today.

Liberty Classical School is a full-time, private Christian Classical school in Lincoln, NE. We exist to educate children that they may know and love the truth. We partner with parents to establish men and women who glorify God as loyal servants. We equip our students to be formidable adversaries of falsity and all other enemies of God. We believe that the primary end for education is not merely survival, but glory—glory in the truth and Glory to God—the Father, the Spirit and the Son—on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen